once asked, "Why should we serve people in our city (who by right of
living in America have all kinds of opportunities) instead of serving
people in 3rd world countries with no opportunities & no choices?
I replied it's not a matter of either or... It's both. Should the Good Samaritan not have stopped to help the guy who clearly had lost in a fight simply because there were others thousands of miles away worse off who had little food & had to walk for miles to get water? It's not either or. Never has been. What is it if we send all our money to Sudan & instead of also serving the needy we encounter in our own backyard we point the finger of blame at them, saying "it's their own fault they are poor. After all they live in the land of opportunity".
How many of you know you can live in the land of riches & still lose some fights... You can to live in the shadow of sparkling uptown skyscrapers & still lose enough socio-economi, mental, emotional, educational, family, relational, spiritual, & even phyical fights in such a way that leave you beat down & in need of modern day Samaritans.
One reply: "Too bad. If you lived in Uganda with that problem...maybe we'd help. But you live in Tinsel town...And's your own fault. After all this is the land of opportunity."
Another reply: The Justice Project.
One reply: "Too bad. If you lived in Uganda with that problem...maybe we'd help. But you live in Tinsel town...And's your own fault. After all this is the land of opportunity."
Another reply: The Justice Project.