I took my kid out on the streets today. Wanted him with me as I worked in an inner-city hood that was so very different than what he's ever known or seen. Told him in advance what to expect & how to behave. He did well, despite a few comments best left unsaid regarding the dirtiness of some homes. Showed him a garbage filled underpass & told him people live there & sleep there. I asked what he thought. He's just 6. What could he think, other than "eeeww'. But I looked for what kind of eeeww he would offer; the kind that signified "that's gross" or the kind that signified "that's wrong". Here is where his discipleship will begin.
Let your kids play a role in The Justice Project. Take em with you when you hit the streets of Reid Park, giving of your resources, opening up your heart, working among the needy. Leave in the wake of those hours spent serving, a legacy in their young hearts that "this is how we roll". Show them by your actions what radical goodness looks like with skin on it.